One good thing per day
The big move to East Africa sounded appealingly adventurous, and as I envisioned my new life in Tanzania, exotic landscapes instantly comes to mind (Serengeti, anyone?) and there I would be, cruising in my safari outfit and hat in the endless plains … But as with all major relocation, even those so geographically foreign to a point you’d think (or hope) The Invincible Curiosity would effortlessly carry you as you fly steadily above the sea of Inevitable Routine Life, lest you become susceptible to its boring repetitiveness. But alas, no one is immune to it.
So here I am, ready to blog about it, and by writing, I hope to bring enlightenment to my readers as well as myself – that even The Most Routine Life can be interesting when told like a whimsical story (that, and also because I am *this* close to finishing my first manuscript /novel. What better ways to excel at writing than … to just keep writing?).
And so – I will strive to write at least one brief paragraph per day, because there must be something worth telling – at least One Good Thing Per Day. So without further ado… let’s begin:
April 13, 2015 is a day worth writing about because… Sitting at my home in Arusha, the “suburban” city (note the quote) where I live in, far from all the traffic noise and crowds of people, I have suddenly realized this – that I actually have the luxury of working from home. By choosing to quit my job in the metropolitan, beautiful, downtown Vancouver, I tasted my first exhilarating freedom of working for myself, setting my own schedule (and my alarm clock), and to take breaks to play with my dog babies any time of the day. No better job setting than this, in my cozy, quiet Arusha home.
Because, let’s all be honest. [Almost] nothing beats the company of your beloved dogs. [Almost] nothing. That, and to freely change your 06:30am alarm clock to 09:30am just because you think you deserve that extra three hours of sleep. After my first taste of freedom from 9-to-5 office jobs, I don’t believe I can ever turn back.
So, would that actually make Two Good Things?